Strive to do more
Let your Strength & Generosity Echo.

1% better
We believe that if everyone did 1% better and was generous, we could build more abundance than we could imagine. Join us!
Check out the video for a first impression and see the use cases below to learn more about.
We’re just getting started!
How we help
Here are just a couple of ways we strive to do better and help people in our communities.
You can support us as an individual by buying us a coffee.

We pick up second-hand items and give them to the less fortunate
One of the Co-Founders installs and renovates kitchens. On location, he tells the StongEcho story and asks if people have items to give to less fortunate people. Clients can pack the items and when he’s done with the work, he simply takes the boxes and donations and we give it to our partners so the items can find better homes with people that need it most.

We grow Seedlings and give it to the less fortunate
We don’t just give food away and teach people how to grow their own, we also give people a head start by handing out fruits, vegetables, and herbs seedlings so people can have a great head start. We do this at the start of the growing season and help people understand how they can be successful with our gardening content.

Partner with e-commerce companies to ensure returned items are not wasted
[Coming Soon] Sometimes e-commerce companies receive returned items that can not be sold anymore and these goods end up in landfills. We’re looking at partnering with e-commerce companies to make sure products end up in homes of people that need them most. Send us an email if you’re a Dutch e-commerce company that want to partner with us.

Partners and Sponsors
We are forever grateful to our partners and sponsors. Send an email to team @ and let’s see how we can grow each other’s impact!