Teaching People How to Grow Their Own Foods
Teach Valuable Skills and Let Your Strength & Wisdom Echo.

Let your Strength and Wisdom Echo
One of our strengths is Content Marketing and the other is growing fresh organic fruits and vegetables.
Combine the two and you’ll get a YouTube Channel, Social Media Accounts, and a Blog where people can learn how to grow their own fresh and organic foods at home or on a piece of land they own or rent.
As we grow and donate fresh foods and plants, and interact with people, we learn about best practices and pitfalls and share those with anyone who wants to learn how they can get started with growing delicious foods.
What are your strengths? How can you improve by 1% so you can help people around you?
The impact we have together
Many people have lost connection with Mother Earth and with everything God has given us. Many simply go to the grocery stores and buy what they need.
Growing your own foods restores that connection and eating organic foods you grow yourself is often times healthier than store-bought foods.
Mainstream produce is grown to be able to last long so they can be transported all around the world. Foods we grow ourselves are often times more rich in nutrients. Also, no transportation! That’s a great benefit for our planet just there.
The main impact of educating people on how to grow fresh foods
- Families get access to more fresh, healthy, and organic foods;
- Lower impact on the environment;
- Easy to scale with your help.

How you can help
Want to help us scale the initiative? Here’s how you can help.
Helping as an Individual
If you’re an individual and want to help so we can scale our impact, you can buy us a coffee by using the widget you find on this page or you can simply subscribe to our YouTube channel and engage with our videos.
Helping as an Organization
If you’re an organization and want to partner with us, send an email to team @ strongecho.com, and let’s see how we can grow together.
Partners and Sponsors
We are forever grateful to our partners and sponsors. Send an email to team @ strongecho.com and let’s see how we can grow each other’s impact!